HOW TO CURE TENDONITIS: The Definitive Guide to Fix ANY Tendinopathy!
Check out my re-usable training templates! Designed to take a trainee from beginner to advanced lifter while maximizing muscle and strength gains! by Alec Enkiri On my web site: Introduction Today we're going to talk about tendonitis, or as it's often referred to these days tendinpoathy. The former implying there being some degree of inflammation of the tendon, however, it's now known that not all painful tendons are actually inflamed, so the term "tendinpoathy" refers to general tendon pathology. Accordingly, in the case of many tendinopathies what you have is not necessarily inflammation, but rather degradation of the tendon. Thing about tendons is they are relatively avascular - they do not have good blood flow compared to muscles, for example. So if you have a dinged up tendon and you just leave it alone, it's never actually going to heal. This is why the old school advice of just resting and using ...