Can Heavy Weighted Jumps Replace Olympic Lift Variations Entirely?
by Alec Enkiri On my web site: Check out my re-usable training templates! Designed to take a trainee from beginner to advanced lifter while maximizing muscle and strength gains! I've started doing heavy weighted box jumps these last few months. I began the experiment wondering if there was a way I could further simplify and condense the benefits that Olympic lift variations have to offer when it comes to improving power performance, enhancing explosiveness, increasing raw athleticism, etc. I've talked about this concept in the past in my article covering snatch grip high pulls . The gist of it is that true Olympic lifts are very beneficial for athletes (as well as average Joe trainees), however they are also very, very technical. Because of this it can be difficult to glean all of the benefits they have to offer without putting in substantial work getting good enough at them to be able to adequately express the stre...