DIY Workout Sled! 5 Easy Steps To Build Your Own Sled For Heavy Dragging & Sprinting

by Alec Enkiri On my web site: Alright! People have been hounding me to make this post for years now so I figured it was time to deliver. If you follow my training at all then you know that I'm a big fan of making my own workout equipment when possible. Just off the top of my head, I built the lifting platform that christens my gym, I built my farmer's walk handles, my frame for heavy carries, I rigged up a squat stand back in the day, I've built myself a "table top" reverse hyper to go inside my squat rack, and I've also built my own workout sled, which is the subject of today's post! It's not that I can't afford to buy this equipment, but it's just that a lot of these pieces tend to be overpriced for what they are, and when I know I can build basically the exact same thing for a tenth of the cost with only moderate effort, well, it's hard for me to justify throwing that money at it....