The Gym Will Be There Tomorrow - Enjoy The Holidays Today
by Alec Enkiri On my web site: It's hard enough to get the average person to consistently commit to a well rounded fitness program. I know, I've seen it. But there's also a lesser discussed issue becoming more prevalent in recent years that resides on the exact opposite side of that spectrum, and that is the fitness enthusiasts who are so anal retentive about their workout routine that they absolutely have to do their planned workout on the scheduled day no matter what day of the year that happens to be - Christmas, New Years, a birthday, an anniversary, whatever. There is something to be said for commitment and dedication and a "doing whatever it takes" mentality, and all that bullshit that you constantly see on social media from people who just want to brag about how "hardcore" they are under the guise of pretending to try to motivate you. However, there is also something to be said for persp...