You Don't Know How To Swing! (Kettlebell Swing, I Mean)

by Alec Enkiri On my web site: Introduction The kettlebell swing is an amazing yet misunderstood and overall very poorly utilized exercise whose full potential for bringing on the sweet, sweet gains is seldom ever reached. It's a rare sight these days to see someone perform a kettlebell swing for a purpose other than as part of some sort of "metabolic conditioning" circuit or Crossfit style workout. This is a shame because it leads to a very myopic view of the exercise. Yes, it can be beneficial in this regard and we can all thank Crossfit for pulling it out from total obscurity and into the more mainstream fitness culture, but the real benefits of the exercise do not pertain to fat loss, or conditioning, or anything of that ilk. No, the real benefits of the exercise are as a damn near unparalleled builder of hip extension power, explosiveness, and resilience. The kettlebell swing, when seen in...