The Power To Weight Ratio Is Everything
by Alec Enkiri If you happened to stumble across this post through Blogger, please follow this link to view the corresponding article on my web site: The formatting is better there. If you're coming from my web site, just scroll to the bottom of the page here to get to the comments section. Don't worry if your comments don't appear right away. They still went through. Just refresh the page and they'll be there. How much can you squat? A lot? Okay. How much can you power clean though? A lot? Cool. But how much do you weigh? Also a lot? Okay, then let's try this... How high can you jump? If you answered "a lot, alot, and a lot" to questions 1-3, then the answer to question 4 will be "not very" because the power to weight ratio is everything. Big dudes who can throw around monstrous weights are a dime a dozen and I've been running circles around them sin...