
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Psychology of Strength Training Part II: Going To War

by Alec Enkiri If you happened to stumble across this post through Blogger, please follow this link to view the corresponding article on my web site: The formatting is better there. If you're coming from my web site, just scroll to the bottom of the page here to get to the comments section.  Don't worry if your comments don't appear right away. They still went through. Just refresh the page and they'll be there. Introduction In part 1 of this series I discussed an idea that I call "autopilot ." In a nutshell, using practiced imagery and tactical, deliberate adrenaline rushes to "black out" your mind and allow your body to perform at an optimal level when you need it to the most without the mind interfering with performance. Autopilot is for big lifts and big sets; to be used sparingly and strategically. In part 2 today I want to discuss a more overarching approach and that is the o...

Jump Squats For Power & Explosiveness!

by Alec Enkiri If you happened to stumble across this post through Blogger, follow this link to view the corresponding article on my web site: I f you're coming from my web site, just scroll to the bottom of the page here to get to the comments section.  Don't worry if your comments don't appear right away. They still went through. Just refresh the page and they'll be there. Introduction In my last article we went quite in depth on the vast utility and benefits of the snatch grip high pull for power development . This time, continuing down that same path I want to cover another exercise that's fantastic in this regard, the performance enhancing cousin to the Olympic lifts, and that is the jump squat, aka the weighted jump. While the Olympic lifts and their variations play a crucial and specific role in improving power production, they are not a complete solution by themselves and by their very ...

The Psychology of Strength Training: Going Autopilot

Harnessing the Power of the Mind to Destroy Physical Barriers by Alec Enkiri | 8/4/19 If you happened to stumble across this post through Blogger, follow this link to view the corresponding article on my web site: If you're coming from my web site, just scroll to the bottom of the page here to get to the comments section.  Don't worry if your comments don't appear right away. They still went through. Just refresh the page and they'll be there. Mental Strength is the Secret Weapon Everybody wants to know the secret training program that’s going to take them to the next level. They want you to tell them what exercises to do, what order to do them in, how often to do them, and the special number of sets and reps that will propel their 300 pound squat up to 500 pounds in 12 short weeks. I’m here to tell you that this program doesn’t exist, and ultimately, whatever program you’re running rig...

Blog #1: My Training Goals for 2020, Part 1

by Alec Enkiri If you happened to stumble across this post through Blogger, follow this link to view the corresponding article on my web site: If you're coming from my web site, just scroll to the bottom of the page here to get to the comments section.  Don't worry if your comments don't appear right away. They still went through. Just refresh the page and they'll be there. Part 2 | Part 3 First blog entry! So first of all, if you're here, thanks for reading! It's very much appreciated. It's been a long road rife with dead ends trying to "make it" in this industry, and alas, I'm still not even close, but I'm getting closer every day. The ironic part is that I genuinely don't give a shit about having a large "following" (quality over quantity, as they say) and I honestly abhor trying to sell people things (which is probably why I'm not very good at it). But...

A Case for the Snatch Grip High Pull

How To Get All the Benefits of the Olympic Lifts With None of the Drawbacks by Alec Enkiri | 8/29/19 If you happened to stumble across this post through Blogger, follow this link to view the corresponding article on my web site: If you're coming from my web site, just scroll to the bottom of the page here to get to the comments section.  Don't worry if your comments don't appear right away. They still went through. Just refresh the page and they'll be there. The Olympic Lifts: They'll Cure Your Cancer Only To Give You A Heart Attack In performance training circles the Olympic lifts are viewed as the ultimate controversial paradox. They are coveted and revered for their ability to enhance power, improve rate of force development, and crank up nervous system activation to incredible new heights - all of which are a huge boon for athleticism and performance enhancement. Yet simultaneously, they are...